Short EUR/USD (From 5-Mar to 6-Mar)

Stopped out on 6 Mar

Real-Time AmpGFX – Sold EUR/USD (Mon 3/5/2018 9:57 AM MT)

Sold half unit EUR/USD at 1.2334


EUR has bounced significantly since the US announced tariffs.

However, the tariffs pose risks to European steel producers and point to more aggressive USA trade policy that poses risk to European exporters.

Recent Euro economic surveys shows some moderation in growth momentum,  In contrast, US economic momentum and confidence appears to have improved to a new cyclical high.

USD/JPY may be finding support towards the 105 level, and a firmer USD/JPY could spill over to some broader USD strength.

The Italian election outcome points to weaker economic confidence in Italy.

We see an opportunity to place a relatively close stop in the EUR on charts.

Positioning reports still suggest that the market remains very net long EUR.


Short one unit AUD/USD at 0.7796; s/l 7787; t/p 0.7658

Short one-third unit TYM8 at 120-10; s/l 120-23+

Long ¼ unit Gold/AUD at 1698.65; s/l 1692.47 (raised from 1679.47)

Short ¼ unit CAD/JPY at 82.81; s/l 82.67 (lowered from 83.77)

Short half unit EUR at 1.2334; s/l 1.2417; 1.2028

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  • The author of this report often has positions in the currencies and securities referenced in the report at the time of publication, or plans to trade in these currencies and securities.
  • The views expressed in this report accurately reflect the author’s personal opinion about the referenced currencies and securities referenced and other subject matter.
  • The report does not contain and is not based on any non-public, material information.
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Greg Gibbs,
Founder, Analyst and PM
Amplifying Global FX Capital Pty Ltd